First off, let me say that I'm on a budget. That doesn't mean I'm skimping, but it does mean that I do my best to make the best picture I can, based on the gear that I have. I've chosen what works for me from day to day, keep myself open to new things to try, and usually come up with a variety of ways to solve a single problem. Macro photography to name one.
Ordinarily, most photog's use macro lenses for those 'up close' shots of insects, flowers, or even beads of water. I've always been kind of fascinated by the mini-world you can't always see with the naked eye. I don't like bugs, so generally you won't see shots from me of that Wolf Spider that's currently hiding under my bed. He can stay there as long as he wants. As long as it's not longer than 1.8 seconds. After that, I'm bringing out the light saber. So...hypothetically speaking, should that Wolf Spider decide to take a gander outward, and I wanted to take a picture of him...hypothetically speaking...I would use my macro filter. It looks like this.