Engagement Photo Session: Jen & Pat


A few weeks back, I was privileged enough to be tasked with taking my sister's engagement photos.  This was no easy feat.  And then of course, you put a giant German Shepard in the mix...it makes things just a little more interesting.  What I discovered was more challenging than I had originally planned.  

My sister hates it when I take pictures of her.  I mean, she will burn a hole in me with her eyes if she even senses a camera lens pointed at her.  So, naturally, when she specifically asked me to do it on purpose for her engagement photos, I jumped at it.  On the day of the shoot, I was pretty excited about it.  I had a few ideas on things I wanted to capture with them including Tank.  Tank is the giant German Shepard in the above photo, who I have aptly nicknamed 'Shrimp.'

What?  I think it's funny.

Anyway.  The real challenge was to capture all of them in natural form.  We've all known one another for a long time, and because of that, we're all pretty aware of what's currently going on in each other's lives.  That, made it difficult to draw out natural smiles and laughs for an image that would be authentic.  As the evening went on, I realized this very quickly.  


It's not the same shooting family as it is with shooting friends or strangers.  There's almost rules for each.  With people you don't know as well, you can small talk your way into conversations, or ask them questions about them personally.  As a photographer, I want the subjects to feel comfortable and relaxed.  Talking helps with that.  Even incorporating jokes along the way.  With my sister and Pat, this was tougher because you can't exactly resort to the simple small talk because we all know each other well.  They already know what's in my bag of tricks.  

Did we make it work?  You betcha.

Challenge completed.  


Tank may have helped too.  

A little.  


At the end of the day, I came through with some great shots of all of them.  I really like the above photo with the hands.  There's a story there.  And it's my sister and Pat's.  I'm very happy for both of them.  Special thanks to them for their patience and willingness to battle some colder temperatures that night.  You guys rock.