A while back my wife asked me, "Why is it when I take a picture with my iPhone, my subject and the background is all in focus...but when you take a picture with your camera, your subject is in focus, but the background is blurred?" Good question.
The answer is your aperture or f/stop. Apertures or f/stops on all cameras control your focus depth. All cameras, be it smart phones, DSLR's and point 'n shoot cameras have f/stops. You can change it on most cameras, but on your iPhone you cannot. I’ll get into that later. If you're operating a camera where you can change the f/stop, you can use these settings as general guidelines: If I'm out and about shooting a landscape, with no general subject, I'll set my f/stop at f/11 or higher. Most of the time for capturing everything in focus, I'll even shoot at f/22. This will increase your depth of field and no part of the image will be blurred. If I'm shooting a portrait (where I want their face(s) in focus), I'll shoot at a lower f/stop to blur the background. Say f/2.8 or f/4 or higher. Make sense? No? Yeah, me neither. I'll give you a visual guide then.
Captured at f/5.6.
While this isn’t a spectacular photo by any means, the above shot was taken at f/5.6, and helps illustrate what I mean. Notice the background in relationship to the tree and the bird. The background is blurred a lot, while the tree and bird are in focus. Also, a portion of the branch (where the bird is sitting) is also in focus. Because, that portion of the tree is the same distance as the bird from the camera. Now, my focus points generally get targeted on eyes, especially in wildlife or portraits. However, when shooting around f/5.6, it will likely pull in immediate surrounding objects inside your focus. But as your eyes move away from your subject in the photo, you’ll see the focus starts to fall off. This effect is commonly known as 'bokeh.' I don't personally use that word, and even the correct pronunciation of it is often debated. Some people say, 'boke-ay' or 'boke-uh'. I even heard it once as 'boo-kay'. Who knows? You decide, then let me know. Or, better yet, don’t. I think I’m good with it.
Captured at F/22.
The image above with the golden dome was captured at f/22. See? Everything in that image is in focus and nothing is blurred.
Captured at f/1.8.