Made it in RV News Magazine

This past January, we found out that a local magazine wanted to do a story on the company I work for (Valley Screen).  In addition to the story, they would need several photos of team members and hero portraits of the executives to accompany it.  The rub was that we only had a few days to complete it.  Whew.  Ok, challenge accepted.  We came through in time and the article was published in this month's issue of RV News Magazine.   


Fortunately, the team I work with and everyone who was bothered for a photo came through willingly and they turned out great.  We were hoping to land on the cover, but that did not happen.  Insert sad face here.  Next time.  Next time baby.  


The above photos provide an interesting look at what we see daily.  In the upper left picture, our sales associates and art director go over our work on a daily basis.  Any changes that are needed are then applied to our art before going in front of the client.

The photo below that one was taken in our digital printing department, where large format printing is just another day at the office.  

On the photo on the right page, Angela, my neighboring co-worker works on an RV design for Rockwood.  


On the right page, you can see Karen, our CEO perched atop one of our digital printers.  It took some convincing to get her to do that, but we kept her safe in the process, and the photo turned out pretty well. 

Happy Friday everyone!